Implementation of GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Version 6 Course

Implementation of GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Version 6 Course (FS14)

Our GlobalG.A.P. IFA Version 6 implementation course is accredited by GlobalG.A.P. and presented by our GlobalG.A.P. registered trainer. This course will teach the learner to effectively implement and maintain the new GlobalG.A.P. IFA Version 6 standard.

HACCP for Supervisors and HACCP Teams Course

HACCP for Supervisors and HACCP Teams Course (FS10)

This HACCP course will provide the learner with a thorough understanding of the concepts and requirements of a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) system. The focus is on leadership, food microbiology basics and the steps to implement an effective HACCP system.

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