What is a HACCP Plan?

There are no consumers who wittingly buy food that will either injure or cause a foodborne illness. Consumers trust food manufacturers that they have taken all necessary steps to ensure that the food sold to them is safe and meets their expectations. In this article, HACCP will be briefly discussed, …

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Cleaning, Disinfecting, Sanitization

Sanitising, Disinfection and Sterilisation – What’s the Difference?

COVID-19 has introduced a new style of living where each person must take responsibility for their own health and hygiene. These days you hardly find someone who has not heard of the word “sanitising”, “disinfection” or “sterilisation”. Hand sanitisers are flying off the shelves and at some point, some retailers …

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20 Tips to Avoid and Prevent Food Poisoning

20 Tips to Avoid and Prevent Food Poisoning

Nearly everyone gets food poisoning at least once in their lifetime. Here are 20 handy tips to avoid and prevent food poisoning. These tips refer to households, but can also be used in any food-handling, processing and packaging enterprise. You can find the germs that cause food poisoning all around …

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7 Pests to Ban From Your Food Premises to Improve Food Safety

7 Pests to Ban From Your Food Premises to Improve Food Safety

Preventing pests in food facilities is critical to ensuring the safety and quality of food products. Pests can easily contaminate food with bacteria and other pathogens, leading to foodborne illnesses and other health hazards. In addition to posing a health risk, pests can also cause significant damage to food packaging, …

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What is Listeria and How Does it Affect Food Safety

What is Listeria and How Does it Affect Food Safety?

What is Listeria? Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes) is a bacterium that can cause a serious infection in humans called Listeriosis. Listeria monocytogenes is commonly found in soil and water and can contaminate food, particularly raw or undercooked meat, unpasteurized dairy products, and certain fruits and vegetables. The worst listeriosis outbreak …

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