The Difference Between GLOBALG.A.P. IFA 5.2, V5.3, & V5.4

  As the retail market demands changed, the Global Food Safety Initiative had to update its benchmarking requirements to align with new food industry trends and information. In February 2020, the GFSI then released the new benchmarking requirements under GFSI V7.2. To maintain its GFSI recognition, GlobalG.A.P – a certification …

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global gap

GlobalG.A.P. Certification Scheme Overview

GlobalG.A.P. is a farm certification scheme that promotes good agricultural practices and the production of primary products in a safe manner while taking into account worker welfare and health. What is GlobalG.A.P.? Global Good Agricultural Practice (GlobalG.A.P.) is an internationally recognised certification standard that promotes Good Agricultural Practices under a …

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Loadshedding affecting the agri sector

Load-shedding – A Threat to Our Food Supply and Agri Sector

The recent spell of load-shedding in South Africa disrupts the economy intensely. It shuts down factories, switches off servers, prevents mining operations, causes massive traffic disruptions and costs billions in potential revenue. Its effects on the Agricultural Sector are equally significant. An inability to address the load-shedding problem over the …

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