DEPARTMENT: Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
ASSOCIATED ACT: Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 Of 1990)
REGULATION NAME: Regulations relating to the grading, packing and marking of canned mushrooms intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
NO AND DATE: R3 of 05 January 2001 | R414 of 21 May 2010
Download HereAmendments
Use in conjuction with the Regulations which you can find under the “Download Here” section above.
This South African regulation primarily focuses on setting standards for the grading, quality, packing, and marking of canned mushrooms intended for sale in South Africa.
It is prohibited for any person to sell canned mushrooms in South Africa unless the following conditions are met:
- The product must be graded according to Regulation 3.
- The product must adhere to the quality standards stipulated in Regulation 4.
- The packaging containers must meet the requirements specified in Regulation 5.
- The product must comply with the packing requirements detailed in Regulation 6.
- The product must be marked according to the requirements stipulated in Regulation 7.
- If the product is marked with particulars that are not permitted, it shall not be sold. See Regulation 8.
Regulations Table of Contents
SCHEDULE – Regulation 1 (Definitions) |
SCHEDULE – Regulation 2 (Restrictions) |
QUALITY STANDARDS – Regulation 3 (Grades) |
QUALITY STANDARDS – Regulation 4 (Standard of Grades) |
CONTAINERS – Regulation 5 (General) |
PACKING – Regulation 6 |
MARKING – Regulation 7 |
MARKING – Regulation 8 (Prohibited Particulars) |
SAMPLING – Regulation 9 (Obtaining a Representative Sample) |
INSPECTION – Regulation 10 (Determination of Microbiological Spoilage) |
INSPECTION – Regulation 11 (Determination of Drained Mass) |
OTHER LEGISLATION – Regulation 13 |
ANNEXURES – TABLE 1 (Quality Standards) |
ANNEXURES – TABLE 2 (Maximum Permissible Deviations by Mass) |
ANNEXURES – TABLE 3 (Sampling of Canned Mushrooms) |